
Yvonne’s old website, while functional, lacked the visual appeal and cohesive branding she desired. Yvonne trusted me with the task of redesigning her website, giving it a complete makeover. The primary objective was to create a visually striking online presence that shows professionalism and effectively communicates her brand identity. Understanding the significance of her website as a central hub for showcasing her practice, it was crucial to prioritise a user-centric design approach that ensures a seamless and intuitive user experience (UX). By incorporating elements of intuitive navigation, clear information architecture, and aesthetically pleasing visuals, the revamped website will serve as an engaging and informative source for visitors to access all the necessary information about Yvonne’s practice. The goal was to create an online destination that not only reflects Yvonne’s professionalism but also establishes her website as a valuable resource for her target audience. In the image gallery, you can see some old v.s. new screenshots. However, you can find the live website here.

Note: The website is written in Dutch. The copy is not done by me, however, a copywriter (who is also one of my clients) rewrote it for her.